
Clarification of false concept : Establish the Islamic state in your self and then it will be established upon the earth.......

A Clarification of the false that keeps people away from the correct work : ''Establish the Islamic state in your self and then it will be established upon the earht''.

When we the call of people to the Fard of working to establish the  Khilafah some of them reply in an extremely shallow way. 'Establish it is yourself first'.

Those who say this have in fact adopted the capitalist viewpoint of society as they have viewed the society  as being merely composed of a collective of individuals. Based on this they adopt on the view. 'Reform the individual and then the society will be reformed'. The truth of the matter however is that the reformation or correction of the individual lead only to the reformation of individuals whilst it has no relationship to the reformatoin of the society. This is because the society is not only  a collective of individuals but rather it is individuals who have permanent relations that bind them together. As such correcting the relationship is what leads to the correction of the society. These relationships are the collection of thoughts and sentiments which are guarded by the system. Therefore if the system was Islamic guarding and safe guarding the Islamic thoughts and sentiments it would represent a Muslim society and even if the majority of its individuals were non-muslim !! As such as most important colouring that distinguishes the society is the for instance when Rassia applied socialism upon the people in the society became socialist or communist despite the fact that the people did not believe in communism. Similarly many people in the wast hate the ideals of capitalism and despite this the society is capitalist. This is the first point.

Secondly: The state is not sentimental or emotional bursts that can be established with in person!! Rather the state is an executive entity upon the earth and could never ever reside with in the Nafs. This is because establishing the Islamic state means establishing the institutions of the Islamic state and its mean the removal of all the systems of Kufr which ahve burnt the Islamic world in their fire and corruption.

Finally: Every Fard has a methodology attached to it and it is not permissible to changed it. The obligation of establishing the Islamic state has a methodology that the messenger of Allah (saw) undertook. This is the methodology that he (saw) proceeded along in the Makkan era and it represents a Hizby work consisting of Da'wah and interaction with the people in addition to seeking the Nusrah. as such the work forthe Islamic state is work undertaken with in the scope of a Hizb or a jamaa'ah and it is not the work of the Nafs or a matter that the Human has hope in that it will merely coming to pass. This person may believe that he is doing good and the right thing but in reality he is merely sitting back from and abandoning a great obligation.

Therefore the Islamic state will never be Established in any other way other than through reaching the rule anf through the complete application of Islam. The Islamic state is an executive entity for the implementation of the Saree'eh of Islam and it is to this Fard that i invite you all to undertake and engage in...

Imaan & Action ....

Based on the request of one of our readers for an article explaining this issue, the following is an extract from the book  ''The Ark of salvation'' by by Abdul Karim Hassan and Murad Al-Adnany :

Disagreement among the scholars of Islam has centred on whether action is part of Imaan or something based on Imaan. some of the scholars of Islam have held the view that belief is simply an inward adherence (aqd bi'l-qalb) and verbal confession ( Sahadat bi'l- lisan ). Other scholar , such as Abu Talib Al- Makki  Qut-Al- Qulub, have maintained taht action is a part of belief and Imaan is incomplete with out work according to the pillars of Islam.

The khawarij....

Those they action is a part of Imaan contend the person who does not perform the action, like prayer, is a disbeliever. for this reason the khawarij sect considered a person who did not perform an obligatory duty (wajib) or who performed a forbidden action (Haram) as a disbeliever. in arriving at this opinion they made ta wil (allegorical type of interpretation) of the verse of Quran ''he who kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is hell, to abide there in forever [Al-Nisa 4:93] and the authentic tradition of the Prophet ''A fornicator is not a believer when he does it , a drinker is not a believer when he drinks. ''[Mulim] These evidences appear to support the view that committing a sin makes one a disbeliever. This opinion has been rejected by the scholar of Ahlal Sunnah. The verse quoted was revealed, according to Imam Al-Ghazzali for the particular situation of a person killing a believer because of his belief. As for the tradition , Ibn Al-Qayim al-Jawzia quotes Imam Ahmad as saying the subject of the tradition is that the person in committing the sinful act is no longer believer , but he is still a Muslim. It does not mean a disbelief that takes a person out of the community of Islam. It is not like believing in the part of the revelation and disbelieving is another part of it, This is real disbelieve, about which is no doubt in anyone's mind.

The Mutazilah....

The mutazilah school of thought said that the person who commit a major (Kaba'ir) but performs some works according to the pillars of Islam, depart from true belief but does not become an unbelief. He becomes a fasiq (reprobate), neither a believer nor an unbeliever , and will reside in hell forever.The mutazilah opinion has been rejected by the scholars of Ahlal Sunnah on the grounds that they failed to understand the real meaning of the verses of Allah ,such surely i am indeed for giving to him who repents, believes and does righteous good deeds and then remains constant in doing them .''[Toha 20:82] ''And for such as will rebel against Allah and his Messenger for him is the fire of Hell, he shell dwell therein forever .''[Al-Jinn 72:23] there verses and others where in Allah couples good works with belief , are general statements , which also include specification , as proven by  the verses:''verily ! Allah for gives not setting up partner in worship with him,but he forgives whom he pleases other sins than that.''[An Nisa 4:116] thus freedom to forgive men sins, other than shirk (setting up partners with Allah) must be left to Allah. This is proven by the tradition: ''whoever hath in his heart the weight of an atom of belief will be brought forth from hell fire.'' and the verse :''As to those who believe and do righteous deeds, verily! we shall not suffer to be lost the reward of anyone who do a righteous deed.''[al-kahf 18:30] in the context of these verse how would Allah suffer the reward, not only of good deeds, but the belief itself because of one sin?

The Murjiah....

The Murjiah considered the sinner to be full of Imam, making ta'wil (Allegorical type of interpretation ) of such verses as ''and whoever believeth  in his lord, need not fear either loss or wrong.''[al-Jinn 72:13] ''And tyhey who believed in Allah and his messenger are the men of truth , and the witnesses in the presence of they lord ;they shall have their reward and their light, but as for the disbelievers and those who give the lei to our sings, these shall be the inmates of hell .''[al-hadid 57:19] they said that no believer would enter Hell fire, although he he might commit every possible sin. thier fundamental doctrine consisted of the suspension (irja) of judgment against believer who committed sin.For the Murjiah the sinner was a sinner because of his major sin and the believer a believer because of his Imaan. the opinion of the Murjiah has been completely rejected by the scholars al-Ahlul Sunnah .The prophet Mohammad (saw) [peace be upon him] said: ''Who ever hath in this heart the weigh of an atom of belief will be brought from hell fire.'' how could anyone be brought forth from hell fire if he had not first entered therein.

The people of sunnh....

The people of sunnah and the majority of the Muslims consider that action is a fruit of the belief and the person who commit a sin is not a disbeliever unless the sin is in the creed itself ,i.e, it contradicts the faith such as the worship of idols. ridiculing the Quran , denying prayer of fasting or permits adultery  or usury etc.The person who does not pray is a sinner , the person who denies the duty of prayer is disbeliever [1] .ni other word , there is a distinction between conviction and action. Imam al-Nawawi says in his introduction to sahih -Muslim, The school of thought of the true believers is that no one from the people of the Qibla becomes a disbeliever through a sin or innovation (bida) or through following desire .Only if he denies what is known by Islam of necessity does he that time become an apostate and disbeliever , unless that is he is new to Islam.

Sheik Ali an Tantawi in his book ''The faith''says: Scholar of Ahlul of Sunnah are unanimous in their opinion that a person who commits a forbidden act without denouncing its prohibition or a person who neglects to do a duty but does not deny that it is a duty and expresses no contempt for it will no doubt be punished in the other world. but he will not be accused of blasphemy nor will he be condemned to the internal fire of hell.''[2]

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