Sunday, 8 June 2014

The rewards of gaining knowledge...

Al-Bhukhari narrated through Mu'ayiyya bin Abu Sufian: the messenger of Allah said: ''The one for whom Allah wills good (khayr), He grants him Fiqah in the Deen.''

It was narrated that Umar bin Al-Khattab said: ''The death of one thousand worshippers who pray at night and worship in the day is less serious than the death of one intelligent knower (baseer) of the halal and haram of Allah.

All these narrations indicate to us as Muslims,and emphasise the importance of seeking knowledge.

Abu Huraira said: The messenger of Allah (peach be upon him) said: ''The word of wisdom is the lost property of the believer,so wherever he finds it he has a better right to it.''(Tirmidhi)

Abu Dardaa(ra) said: ''To leans of one issue (in deen) is better for me than to pray the entire night.''

He also said: ''The Scholar and the seeker of knowledge are the partners in the sharing of good. other men are hungry and there is no good in them.''

Fath Al Musilee (ra) said:''would the sick person who is not fed or given everything to drink or given any medicine, not die?''The people replied:''surely!''he said:''it is the same with the heart, it would die knowledge and wisdom is withheld from it.''

Narrated Abdullah bin Masud(Allah be pleased with him): The prophet (peace be upon him) said:''do not wish to be like anyone except in two cases.(1)[The first is] A person whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously; (2)[The second person] The one whom Allah has given wisdom and he act according to it and teaches it to others.''(Shahi al Bukhari vol 1)

Abu Huraira said: the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:''people are like mines of silver and gold;the more excellent of them in the days of ignorance are the more excellent of them in the Islam when they attain knowledge.''(Muslim,Miskat)

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